executive creative director
Oh hey and welcome. So you’re here to learn a little about me. Here you go: I’ve led award-winning creative for big agencies on accounts including Procter & Gamble, Campbell’s, and Dannon to name a few.
I founded one of the first social networks for remote workers. Professor Adam Grant and Sam Yagan were my earliest advisors. Wework threatened to sue me and Workfrom offered to buy me out.
I took some time off, wrote articles for HuffPost and Forbes, and had a family.
Then I rolled-up my sleeves and started my own mission-driven agency, which has been my most rewarding career move - so far. From fighting for mangroves and ocean health to saving over 800 animals quarantined in the largest animal sanctuary in South America and getting tablet devices into the hands of patients isolated in hospitals needing to share parting words with their loved ones, my social impact work coming out of the global public health crisis is what I’m proudest of. So yeh.
Basically, I like to create stuff and I like the stuff I create to help make the world a better place. To me human-centered thinking is not just a design principle, it’s a way of life. And I may have created a talking sponge or two along the way.
Thanks for stopping by :)